refresh_pattern [-i] regex min percent max [options]
Description 'Min' is the time (in minutes) an object without an explicit expiry time should be considered fresh. The recommended value is 0; any higher values may cause dynamic applications to be erraneously cached unless the application designer has taken the appropriate actions.
'Percent' is a percentage of the objects age (time since last modification age) an object without explicit expiry time will be considered fresh.
'Max' is an upper limit on how long objects without an explicit expiry time will be considered fresh.
override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
override-expire enforces min age even if the server sent a Expires: header. Doing this VIOLATES the HTTP standard. Enabling this feature could make you liable for problems, which it causes.
override-lastmod enforces min age even on objects that was modified recently.
reload-into-ims changes client no-cache or ``reload'' to If-Modified-Since requests. Doing this VIOLATES the HTTP standard. Enabling this feature could make you liable for problems, which it causes.
ignore-reload ignores a client no-cache or ``reload'' header. Doing this VIOLATES the HTTP standard. Enabling this feature could make you liable for problems, which it causes.
Basically a cached object is: (the order is changed from 1.1.X)
FRESH if expires<now, else STALE STALE if age >max FRESH if lm-factor< percent, else STALE FRESH if age < min else STALE
The refresh_pattern lines are checked in the order listed here. The first entry which matches is used. If none of the entries match, then the default will be used.
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440 refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320